More Fun Than Fantasy

Simple Competition. Great Community. Big Prizes.

Sign Ups Now Closed

Why Surfival League?

Simple Competition

We’re making it easy.

We stripped down Fantasy Surfing to the core. This is a surfing survival league. If your surfer advances, you advance. Simple.

No confusing scoring, no tiers, no budgets. 

It’s just you and your surfer. Who’s it going to be?

Great Community

“Who are you picking for Surfival?” will become a common group text with your surf crew.

You’ll get to roast the losers, and toast the winners.

Big Prizes

We’re giving out $7k and a 3 board PANDA surfboards quiver to the winner of the Surfival League. There’s also prizes for the “Second Chance Surfival League” winner aka the Loser’s Round.

How are you not in the Surfival League yet?

The Most Fun You Will Have Watching the WSL


Fantasy Surfer is boring. Round 1 is boring.

We fixed that.

This is Surfival League. Here’s the rules.

  • Each event, pick only one (1) surfer to advance past the Round of 32.

  • If your surfer loses in the first two elimination rounds (gets 33rd or 17th place), you are eliminated for the year. If your surfer advances, you advance.

  • You can not pick the same surfer twice.

  • The competition will continue until the last man is standing and they will win $7,000 and three custom shaped PANDA Surfboards. The “Second Chance” winner will get $1,000 and a PANDA surfboard.

Easy, right?

It’s easy to play. Easy to enter.

All you need to do is create an account, pay a one time $20 membership fee, and pray to the Surfival Gods to deliver you to Surfival Glory.